Qu'il s'agisse d'investir dans un équipement fiable ou d'effectuer des travaux de maintenance courants, vous ferez tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour que les temps d'arrêt ne réduisent pas la productivité de votre équipe. Pour ne pas interrompre votre activité, nous fabriquons nos pneus avec des matériaux robustes pour une durée de vie maximale.
Vous pouvez également adapter un pneu aux conditions de votre site - du gazon au granulat robuste. C’est pourquoi nous concevons, testons et fabriquons des pneus adaptés à de nombreux types d'équipements et d'applications, y compris les chargeuses compactes, les camions à benne et les niveleuses.

Technologie Low Sidewall® (taille basse)
Semblable à nos marques principales de pneus, notre technologie éprouvée LSW® (Low Sidewall) aide les entrepreneurs à maximiser leur productivité sur et hors du chantier. Il a un flanc plus petit et un diamètre de jante plus grand qu'un pneu classique, mais conserve le même diamètre extérieur. Cela fournit plus de stabilité pour les équipements de construction. Le résultat est un meilleur confort de conduite, moins de vibrations ce qui limite le déversement de matière.
Radial or Bias — You Decide
It’s not about which is better, bias or radial, but about what works best for your specific application. We believe contractors like choices, which is why Titan offers a full line of both bias and radial tyres to help you get the job done, no matter what the setting.
Bias tyres
• Better suited for short distances
• Greater vehicle stability
• Greater cut resistance on the sidewall
• Improved self-cleaning
Radial tyres
• Excellent tread wear
• Longer tread life
• Better suited for longer distances
• Greater puncture resistance in the tread area
• Greater traction
With Titan, you have choices. Contact your Titan dealer today to find out what tyre is best for your application.
- Deep tread provides excellent rock-type damage resistance and long tread life
- Non-directional, solid centerline tread pattern provides excellent cut resistance, smooth ride and extended wear
- Features Aralon Cut Resistant Breaker (CRB) construction, which provides increased strength and durability without sacrificing heat resistance
- Belted 7x7 - Features 7x7 steel belted construction, which provides increased cut resistance and extended wear
- Extra deep tread provides excellent rock-type damage resistance and long tread life
- Open non-directional tread pattern provides all around traction with excellent self cleaning
- Features 7x7 steel belted construction, which provides increased cut resistance and extended wear
- CRB - Features Aralon Cut Resistant Breaker construction, which provides increased strength and durability without sacrificing heat resistance
- Extra deep tread depth provides long tread life in extreme conditions
- Smooth tread used on the outside provides excellent rock-type damage resistance, while the pattern on the inside provides increased traction
- Features 7x7 steel belted construction, which provides increased cut resistance and extended wear
- Extra deep tread depth provides long tread life in extreme conditions
- Smooth tread design provides the maximum rock-type damage resistance
- CRB – Features Aralon®* Cut Resistant Breaker construction, which provides increased strength and durability without sacrificing heat resistance
- CAB - Features Cushion Armor Breaker steel belted construction, which provides increased cut resistance
- Belted 7x7 - Features 7x7 steel belted construction, which provides increased cut resistance and extended wear
- For use on wheel loaders where high flotation and/or extreme traction is required
- Specifically designed for use on a multi-piece OTR wheel
- Open, deep tread pattern provides excellent traction in extreme conditions
- Tread compound designed for increased resistance to tread chunking and tearing
- Steel belted construction provides excellent penetration resistance
Original giants of bias
We offer more than 250 bias SKUs, 70-plus tread styles, and 120 years in the off-highway business
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