wheel innovation
Get the highest quality wheel assembly for your equipment designs. We are the only company that produces both wheels and tyres for nearly any off-the-road equipment. Our engineers team with original equipment manufacturers to develop wheels that last the life of the equipment and provide the operator with maximum uptime. That's been our legacy for the past 120 years, and it will continue for many years into the future. Learn more about Titan wheel technology.

wheel technology
Designing wheels that minimise servicing downtime is another way we help mining operations keep moving forward. Our Accelerated Change Technology (ACT) reduces downtime associated with tyre changes and rotations by as much as 50 percent. That's because it allows technicians to remove the inner tyre without having to remove the outer wheel.
Single Piece Crane Wheel
Offering weight saving on the 3-piece Autocrane wheel, the wheel structure has been carefully designed to exacting standards and withstands our extensive fatigue testing program.

Outside Vertical Mount (OVM) & Six Piece Vertical Mount (SVM)
OVM design for quick change capability allows the rim to stay attached to the vehicle during tyre change and servicing, minimising downtime and increasing safety. Used in conjunction with OVM, SVM eliminates the high-risk practice of breaking the rear bead in confined spaces using hydraulic rams.
Watch to find out more about our SVM Wheels
(video courtesy of Titan Australia)

Our Super-duty Titan Machined Taper wheel series features double lock, fully machined vertical curb and taper for precision fit between bead seat and side flange to reduce the risk of tyre damage.